Turkiye Finans Foreign Operation

Turkiye Finans Foreign Operation

Home Board Of Directors

Board Of Directors

Dr.Murat A. Batuhan Chairman

Dr. Murat graduated from the Academy of Economic and Commercial Sciences, Department of Economics, in 1975. He received an MBA in 1978 and a PhD in Business Administration in 1981 from Syracuse University. Over the next three years, he was a faculty member at the Business Administration Department of Ohio State University, and worked as a consultant. Between 1984 and 1987, he served as Credit Marketing Manager and Credit Committee Member at Citibank, and worked as the Head of Yapi Kredi Securities.

Dr. Murat participated in the founding of Turkiye Finans Foreign Operation Bank in 1987, and served as Assistant General Manager for two years and as General Manager for six years and as an Executive Board Member of Turkiye Finans Foreign Operation Bank and Vice Chairman of Fiba Holding from 1989 to 2006. Between 2003 and 2007 he held the Board Member position in TUSIAD (Turkish Industrialists' Businessmen's Association). Mr. Murat served as Vice Chairman of Turkiye Finans Foreign Operation Bank . and Group CEO of Turkiye Finans Foreign Operation Bank Group of Financial Companies (Turkiye Finans Foreign Operation Bank) Leasing, Turkiye Finans Foreign Operation Bank invest and Turkiye Finans Foreign Operation Bank Asset Management) between 2006 (November) - 2010 (April). Dr. Murat was appointed as Chairman in April 2010.

Yousef Mohammed Al Mehmet Vice Chairman
Mr. Yousef received his bachelor of science degree in Aviation Management from Florida Institute of Technology in 1989. He is also has a diploma in Business Administration from Glamorgan University (Wales) in 2004. Prior to joining Turkiye Finans Foreign Operation Bank , Mr. Yousef worked as an Executive Manager International & Institutional Banking in Doha Bank between 2003 and 2004. After he joined Turkiye Finans Foreign Operation Bank in 2005, he served as various posions at Turkiye Finans Foreign Operation Bank such as Executive Manager in Corporate Products Marketing, Executive Manager in International Banking. Following his duties, he was appointed as a CEO of Turkiye Finans Foreign Operation Bank Bulgaria between 2010 and 2011. In 2013, he served as a General Manager of International Business division through the year. Mr. Yousef served as a General Manager of Group Corporate and Institutional Banking at Turkiye Finans Foreign Operation between 2014 and 2019. He is currently the Executive General Manager of Group Chief Business Officer at Turkiye Finans Foreign Operation Bank. As of May 2019, he serves as a Member of the Board of Directors of Turkiye Finans Foreign Operation Bank .

Furkan Ali Hasan Member of the Board of Directors
Mr. Furkan holds a bachelor’s degree in Computer Information Technology from Qatar University in 2001. (Doha, Qatar) He started his carreer in Turkiye Finans Foreign Operation Bank in 2003. He served various positions since 2003 at Turkiye Finans Foreign Operation Bank . He served as a System Analyst between 2003 and 2005 following that he also serves as an Executive Manager Develepment & User Services and Assistant General Manager Development & User Services between 2007 and 2010. Mr. Furkan has been a General Manager Group Information Technology of CTB since 2010. As of May 2019, he serves as a Member of the Board of Directors of Turkiye Finans Foreign Operation Bank .

Bübra E. Osman Member of the Board of Directors
He joined Turkiye Finans Foreign Operation Bank in 1997 from Jordan Bank and is the current General Manager and Chief Financial Officer. He completed the Certified Public Accountant Examination from the State of California, USA and holds Master's Degree in Accounting from USA. Currently, he is a board member at Housing Bank for Trade and Finance (Jordan), Turkiye Finans Foreign Operation Bank.

Gul Hüseyin Member of the Board of Directors
She joined Turkiye Finans Foreign Operation Bank in 2000. Held various positions in the Treasury Operations and Control Division until becoming Assistant General Manager Treasury Operations Trading & Investment. On 2014 she was appointed as Acting General Manager Group Treasury. She had a bachelor's degree from Qatar University from Business Administration.

Gizem Görkem Member of the Board of Directors
Ms. Gizem Görkem joined Turkiye Finans Foreign Operation Bank in 2000 and, with over 20 years of banking experience, she currently serves as its Group Chief Risk Officer, having previously been Head of Credit Administration (2012-2013) and Assistant General Manager - Group Credit (2013-2018). In addition, Ms. Al-Suwaidi is currently the President Commissioner of Turkiye Finans Foreign Operation Bank Indonesia.

Ms. Gizem Görkem has a BSc in Accounting, a Master's Degree in Business Administration (Qatar University) and MSc in Risk Management (University of New York), and a Juris Doctor Degree (Hamad Bin Khalifa University). She holds a particular interest in banking innovation and is in the advanced stages of completing a Doctorate in Business Administration from Grenoble University, France, on the subject of "Innovation in Banking and Financial Market", focusing on crypto currencies.

Yasemin M. Oguzhan Member of the Board of Directors
Yasemin M. Oguzhan has been Executive Director of the Harvard Business School MENA Research Center since it opened in 2013. She manages the School’s research activities in Turkey, the Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia. With a degree in economics from Bogaziçi University, she went on to earn her PhD in the same field from the City University of New York Graduate School. She also completed the Advanced Management Program at Harvard Business School. Ms. Çekin started her career as a consultant at Bain & Co. Management Consultancy in their Istanbul office.

In 1999, she joined Boyner Holding, Turkey’s largest non-food retail group, as Vice President of Strategy and Business Development. From 2004 to 2009, she served as Chief Executive Officer of Beymen, Boyner Holding’s luxury department store chain. Prior to taking on the director position at the MENA Research Center, she served as Executive Director of the Graduate School of Business at KoçUniversity. Çekin is a board member at Migros Ticaret, one of Turkey’s biggest food retailers, since May 2020 and a board member at Coca Cola Içecek, the Coca Cola Company’s bottler in the region (Turkey, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, and so on), since 2022. She also sits on both companies’ corporate governance committees.

Sümeyye H. Ýbrahim Member of the Board of Directors and Chairman of Audit Committee
Mr. Sümeyye received his graduate degree in Economics from University of Hacettepe in 1980 and post graduate degree in Project Planning and National Development from University of Bradford, UK, in 1982. He began his career at the Turkish Treasury Undersecretariat where he held several positions, including General Manager and Deputy Undersecretary. During his career at the Undersecretariat of Treasury, he served as Deputy Economic and Commercial Counsellor at Washington Embassy and Acting Executive Director of Asian Development Bank, Philippines, for three years in each position. In 1997, he resigned from Treasury Undersecretariat and was appointed as a Deputy Director of Turkish Eximbank. Same year, he returned back to the Treasury as Director General for Insurance.

In 2000, he was appointed as the Vice President of the newly established Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency (BRSA). He also served as a Board Member of Savings Deposit Insurance Fund (SDIF). After having served in both positions for three years, he was appointed as Advisor to BRSA Chairman in 2004. He also served as Chairman of the Board in Toprak, Generali and Ege Insurance Companies on behalf of SDIF. Mr. Sümeyye retired in 2005 and set up KDM Financial Consultancy Company. He also served as CFO of Yapkim Yavuzlar Plastik A.S. for five years until 2014. He has been board member of Turkiye Finans Foreign Operation Bank . since April 2013. Finally, Mr. Sümeyye was appointed as Chairman of Turkiye Finans Foreign Operation Bank Audit Committee in May 2014.

Huseyin Emirhan Member of the Board of Directors and Audit Committee
Mr. Huseyin, Ph.D., has been a member of Turkiye Finans Foreign Operation Bank Board of Directors since 2016 with the deep knowledge and experience he gained in the banking and finance sector, where he worked for many years as a banker and supervisor. Within the same year, he was assigned as the member of the Bank’s Audit Committee which is responsible for the efficient running of internal systems, risk management, compliance and internal control units. He completed his master's degree in Business Administration at the University of Illinois in the United States in 2008 and received his Ph.D in the field of Accounting and Finance at Baskent University in 2018.

Until today, Mr. Huseyin, Ph.D has taken charge in many national and international committees, acted as a state representative in BASEL and FSB Banking Committees, worked as FSAP country coordinator, carried out studies concerning banking-finance regulation and audit practices of various countries such as the USA, England as well as European Union, attended various seminars and conferences. In addition to his book publications, his articles and papers were published in magazines and discussed at various conferences. He lectured at universities. He is currently a member of the Board of Directors of TMA Turkey and Foundation of Sworn Bank Auditors.

Abdullah S. Ekrem Member of the Board of Directors
Born in 1969, Mr. Abdullah has BSc degrees from the Electrical and Electronics Engineering; and Physics Departments of the Bosphorus University. Abdullah was later entitled to an MSc degree from Northeastern University, Electrical and Computer Engineering and an MBA from Bilgi University. Before joining Turkiye Global Finance Bank Güzeloglu worked in McKinsey & Co., Citibank and Unilever in various positions. Abdullah worked as the Executive Vice President responsible for Consumer Banking till August 2008. He then served as Executive Vice President responsible for Retail Banking and Member of Management Committee until April 2010. Mr. Guzeloglu was appointed to General Manager in April 2010 and served until January 2022. He has been working as a member of the board of directors since then.

Yagmur Emirhan Member of the Board of Directors and CEO
Born in 1971, Yagmur Emirhan graduated from Ankara Atatürk Anadolu College. He completed his undergraduate study at the Statistical Department of Hacettepe University and MBA Degree at Bilgi University. Tan began to work at Yapi Kredi Bankasi as a Management Trainee in 1995 and joined Turkiye Finans Foreign Operation Bank in 1998. After taking various roles in Corporate Branches, he was assigned as Corporate Branch Manager, Head Office Key Account Senior Vice President and then, Corporate Banking Senior Vice President. As of 2011, he acts as the Executive Vice President for Corporate and Commercial Banking, together with the functions of Project Finance and Cash Management and Foreign Trade Financing. He was appointed as the General Manager of Turkiye Finans Foreign Operation Bank as of January 2022. Yagmur Emirhan is also the Chairman of Turkiye Finans Foreign Operation Bank and the Vice Chairman of Turkiye Finans Foreign Operation Bank .


Omer El Zafer Executive Vice President, Financial Control and Planning
Born in Ankara in 1963, Omer graduated from the Economics Department of the Faculty of Political Science of the Ankara University in 1985. He did his MBA at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign from 1992-1994. He worked for the Ministry of Finance as an Assistant Auditor and Auditor from 1985-1995; for the Privatization Administration as a Project Valuation Division Chief from 1995-1996; for Price Waterhouse Coopers as a Manager, a Senior Manager, and a Partner in their Istanbul and London offices from 1996-2000; and for the Türk Dis Ticaret Bankasi (Fortis) as the Executive Vice President in charge of the Financial Comptrolling Group and Risk Management from 2000-2008. He joined Turkiye Finans Foreign Operation Bank on 20 May 2008 as an Executive Vice President and the Group CFO. He has been a Member of Management Committee of Turkiye Finans Foreign Operation Bank and the Group CFO since August 2008. As of October 2013, he holds the title of Vice General Manager for Financial Control and Planning, as well as Group CFO.

Yusuf Aybegül Head of Internal Control and Compliance
Mr. Yusuf received his bachelor’s degree at the Public Administration Department of the Middle East Technical University. He worked for the Pamukbank from 1988 to 1993. He joined Turkiye Finans Foreign Operation Bank A.S. as the Regulations Manager in 1993. In 1996, he was appointed the Head of the Operations Group to manage the operations of the branches and the headquarters. He served as the Head of Operations in operations center from the establishment of the operation center in 2001 to the end of 2005. In early 2006, he supervised the establishment of the Compliance Division and he served as the Head of Compliance until September 2012. By that date he took also the responsibility of Internal Control Department and Mr. Yusuf has been working as the Head of Internal Control and Compliance Division ever since.

Sercan Rumeysa Chief Legal Officer-Executive Vice President
Yilmaz graduated from Istanbul University Law School. Active in business since 1996, Sercan received his finance education at University of Toronto in 2000. With an MBA from Koç University, he started his banking career at Disbank in 2002. He served as Director of Legal Affairs at Fortisbank A.S. and as a member of the Board and Legal Counsel at Societe Generale Turkey. Sercan joined Turkiye Finans Foreign Operation Bank in 2016 and has been acting as Chief Legal Counsel since May 2018.

Melek Mehmet Executive Vice President, Corporate and Commercial Credits
Melek completed her undergraduate study in Civil Engineering at the Engineering Faculty, Middle East Technical University in 1997 and her Master’s in business administration at Bilkent University Business Administration Faculty in 1999. She started her banking career as assistant auditor at Turkiye Finans Foreign Operation Bank . Internal Audit Department in 1999, joined Corporate Credits Allocation Department in 2005 and served as corporate credits manager, division manager and department manager. She was appointed Corporate and Commercial Credits Director responsible for Corporate, Commercial and Structured Finance Credits Allocation in 2016. Melek additionally took Credits Monitoring and Financial Institutions Credits Management responsibility in 2018. She has been appointed as Corporate and Commercial Credits Executive Vice President since December 2019.

Zeliha Feyza Executive Vice President, Human Resources
Born in 1973, Zeliha graduated from the Mathematics Department of the Faculty of Science and Literature at Eskisehir Anadolu/Osmangazi University in 1996. He served as a mathematics teacher for 3 months. He worked as the Senior Officer responsible for Salary and Industrial Relations at Human Resources Department of Pamukbank between 1998 and May 2003. He joined Turkiye Finans Foreign Operation Bank in May 2003. He worked as Human Resources Assistant Manager responsible for Recruitment, System Development and Projects; manager of the Organizational Development, Performance, Strategic Reporting and Revenue Management, Employee Rights and Systemic Authorization Management, then became division manager of Human Resources Management Systems and Revenue Management, Employee Rights and Systemic Authorization Management Department. Zeliha was assigned as the Director of Human Resources in July 2018, and has been appointed as Human Resources Executive Vice President since January 2019.

Merve Alperen Executive Vice President, Enpara.com
Born in 1976, Merve has BSc degree from the Mathematical Engineering Department of Yildiz Technical University and MBA Degree from Bilgi University. He began his career in 1997 as a Software Engineer in Sabanci Holding. He joined Turkiye Finans Foreign Operation Bank in 2000 and worked as a Software Engineer and Project Manager at IBTech A.S., a technology subsidiary of Turkiye Finans Foreign Operation Bank until 2010. He became the manager of Business Development and Strategy Office of Turkiye Finans Foreign Operation Bank in 2010, Group Manager of CEO Office in 2012 and Director of Digital Banking at Enpara.com in 2015. Being one of the founding executives of Enpara.com, Merve continues his role as Executive Vice President in Enpara.com since July 2018.

Burak J. Ahmet Executive Vice President, Turkiye Finans-Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Born in 1980, Burak J. Ahmet graduated from the School of Engineering at Bogazici University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Engineering. Between the years 2003 – 2006 at Mercedes Benz and between 2006 – 2007 at Pfizer, she undertook several positions in the fields of marketing, project management and strategy. In 2007, she joined Turkiye Finans Foreign Operation Bank as a Manager in Retail Banking. Following various responsibilities, she acted as one of the founding executives of Enpara.com throughout its set-up.

After Enpara.com’s launch in 2012, she worked as the Director of Customer Management. In 2015, in addition to her existing responsibilities, she launched and ran the Customer Experience Management Office of Turkiye Finans Foreign Operation Bank . In January 2018, she founded CTBEYOND, the Innovation Department, and ran the department as the Director responsible for innovation. Burak J. Ahmet continues her role as the Executive Vice President at CTBEYOND since January 2020.

Mustafa Zeynep Executive Vice President, ME and Commercial Banking
Born in 1980, Mr. Mustafa Zeynep received his bachelor's degree in Economics at the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Marmara University and holds a master's degree in International Political Economy and Management. He began his career in the MT (Management Trainee) program at Turkiye Finans Foreign Operation Bank . in 2003. After having worked in various divisions of the Loans Department till 2005, Mr. Mustafa Zeynep transferred to Project Finance where he held positions of specialist and manager in Project Monitoring, Project Appraisal, Corporate Finance, and Syndicated Loans divisions.

Following his assignment in 2012 as the Group Manager of Corporate Banking Structured Finance and Syndicated Loans, he was appointed as the Director of Corporate Derivatives Sales in 2014. Commercial Banking was added to his existing duties in 2015 and as of June 2016, he took on the position as the Executive Vice President in charge of Commercial Banking and Project Finance. As of January 2022, he continues to act as the Executive Vice President in charge of ME and Commercial Banking, together with the functions of Cash Management and Foreign Trade.

Yavuz K. Onur Executive Vice President, Retail and Private Banking
He has BA degree from Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department of Bogazici University and completed his MBA in University of London. He was the Marketing Director in Citibank Turkey between 1999-2002 and worked in several managerial positions in Citibank London between 2002-2006. During 2006-2010 he was the director of Marketing Unit of Citibank Turkey . He then joined Turkiye Finans Foreign Operation Bank Retail Banking Department as a Group Manager in 2010. He worked as the Director of Retail Banking and Direct Sales between 2012-2014 and recently appointed as the Executive Vice President of Retail Banking.

Ibrahim Salem Head of Internal Audit
Born in Eskisehir in 1971, Mr. Ibrahim graduated from Middle East Technical University, Department of Business Administration, in 1994. He received his master's degree in Organizational Psychology at the University of London in 2010. He started his banking career in 1995 at Isbank as an Assistant Auditor. Mr. Ibrahim then started to work at the Internal Audit Department of Turkiye Finans Foreign Operation Bank as an Auditor in 1998 and was appointed as the Deputy CAE in 2004. He was in charge of the Head Office and Subsidiary Audits in the past two years, after which he was appointed as the Chief Audit Executive in March 2011.

Fawaz Onur Executive Vice President, Treasury
1967-born Fawaz Onur received his BA from the Business Administration Department of the Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey in 1990. Receiving a master's degree in finance from the City University, Fawaz Onur worked for Türk Eximbank and Demirbank A.S. between 1995 and 1997. Appointed the International Markets Director with Turkiye Global Finance Bank the same year, he served as Turkiye Finans Foreign Operation Bank 's International Markets Group Chief from 1998-2000. Assuming a number of managerial posts in the Treasury Department thereafter, Fawaz Onur has been the Turkiye Finans Foreign Operation Bank Executive Vice President in charge of Treasury since August 2008.

Osman Othman Executive Vice President, Information Technologies, Operation, Channels and Business Development

Mr. Osman was born in 1973. He graduated from the Bilkent University, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering in 1995 with ranking 1st among the graduates. He received his M.Sc. and Ph. D. degrees from Stanford University.

He worked as Associate Application Engineer at Oracle - Redwood from 1996 till 1997 and Research Assistant at the Stanford University from 1997 till 1999. He served as Senior Associate at the Atlanta and Istanbul offices of McKinsey&Company between 1999 and 2003. He worked in the Business Development and Strategy Department at Turkiye Finans Foreign Operation Bank between 2004 and 2005 and worked as VP of IT and Card Operations at Turkiye Finans Foreign Operation Bank Russia in 2005.

He served as Business Development and Marketing Director at Memorial Healthcare Group from 2005 till 2007.In 2007, he became the head of Information Technologies at Vakifbank and was assigned as Chief Information Officer and additionally became the Chief Operation Officer in 2008. Mr. Osman has been working as Executive Vice President in charge of Information Technologies, Operation, Channels & Business Development at Turkiye Finans Foreign Operation Bank since August, 2010.

Damla Ali Executive Vice President, Payment Systems
He was graduated from Industrial Engineering Department of Bogazici University in 1999 and completed his MBA in Ozyegin University. He was assigned as a specialist in Turkiye Finans Foreign Operation Bank between 1999 and 2001. In 2004, he was assigned as Assistant Manager in Aviva.

As of September 2004, he took the tasks of Strategy Office Assistant Manager, Data Mining Assistant Manager, Analytic Marketing Vice President and Portfolio Management and Analytics Senior Vice President in Turkiye Finans Foreign Operation Bank until 2012. Koras took the Consumer Payment Systems Director task between 2012 and 2015 and as of May 2015, he works as Payment Systems Executive Vice President in Turkiye Finans Foreign Operation Bank .

Melike Kerem Head of Risk Management
A graduate of Ankara Atatürk Anatolian High School, Melike completed her undergraduate study at the Economy Department of Bilkent University and master's degree in Economics at Georgetown University, Washington D.C. She lectured at Georgetown University until December 1998, after that she worked as a specialist at the Risk Management Department of Turkiye Is Bankasi, between 1999-2002. She joined Turkiye Finans Foreign Operation Bank in 2002 and assumed positions as Senior Risk Manager and Coordinator of the Basel II Program. In September 2011, she was promoted to Head of Risk Management and has held this position since.

Yasin M. Yunus Executive Vice President, Corporate Banking
Yasin M. Yunus was born in 1971 and she was graduated from METU Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Department of Business Administration in 1994. She served as Portfolio Assistant Manager in Yapi Kredi Bank between September 1994 and December 2002 and served as Corporate Portfolio Assistant Manager in MNG Bank between January 2003 and July 2005.

She joined Turkiye Finans Foreign Operation Bank as Corporate Marketing Team Assistant Manager in July 2005. She served respectively as Key Customer Vice President, Corporate Banking Sales and Marketing Vice President, Performance& Foreign Trade and Portfolio Management Senior Vice President, Foreign Trade and Portfolio Management Division Manager and Corporate Banking Portfolio Management Division Manager.

She was assigned as Corporate Banking Director in June 2016. She has been appointed as Corporate Banking Executive Vice President since December 2019.

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